Importation de vins et boissons alcoolisées déstinés à la consommation propre des ambassades, réstaurateurs et hôteliers
Pour les ambassades :
L’ONSSA donne automatiquement son accord pour toute importation de vins ou boissons alcoolisées destinés à la consommation propre.
The application for authorization for the importation of wines and alcoholic beverages intended for own consumption by embassies, Restaurateurs and hoteliers is addressed to the Director General of the National Office of Health Security of Food Products must include as appropriate:
- For embassies :
The ONSSA automatically gives its consent for all imports of wine or alcoholic beverages intended for own consumption.
- For Restaurateurs and Hoteliers :
As with importers dealing in wholesale and semi-wholesale of wines and spirits, the import of these drinks by restaurants and hoteliers is subject to the approval and/or trading authorisation issued by the ONSSA after consultation of the local authorities, in accordance with the relevant regulatory requirements.