- Decree of the Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Waters and Forests no. 1597-20 of 27 June 1441 (19 June 2020) on the recognition of laboratories for carrying out self-check analyses.
- Decree of the Minister of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries n°3873-15 of 8 Safar 1437 (20 November 2015) establishing the list of private laboratories approved by the National Office of Food Safety
- Joint Order of the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Maritime Fisheries and the Minister of Economy and Finance n°3097-97 of 2 Joumada I 1419 (25 August 1998) fixing the prices of the analyses, Research and testing carried out by the veterinary research and analysis laboratories of Casablanca, Tangier, Marrakech, Agadir, Fez and Oujda and the National Veterinary Drug Control Laboratory in Rabat on behalf of public establishments and individuals.