phytosanitary control
- Vizial Decree of 24 Rebia I 1369 (14 January 1950) regulating the control of the production, circulation, transfer and planting of certain cultivated plant species.
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests No. 3411-22 of 17 Joumada I 1444 (December 12, 2022) setting out the models and procedures for drawing up reports by phytosanitary police officers as well as the model of their professional card.
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Waters and Forests no. 1907-17 of 04 kaada 1438 (28 July 2017) prescribing measures for the prevention and control of cactus mealybug (Dactylopius opuntiae).
- Decree of the Minister of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries no. 3872-15 of 8 Safar 1437 (20 November 2015) laying down the formalities and phytosanitary conditions to which certain plant products intended for export are subject.
- Decree of the Minister of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries no. 2027-15 of 24 chaabane 1436 (12 June 2015) laying down production conditions, Movement, Transfer and Planting of Date Palm in Certain Areas and Completing the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture and Land Reform No. 468-84 of 15 Joumada II 1404 (19 March 1984) on phytosanitary controls of plants or parts of plants likely to be infested by certain pests and harmful diseases.
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries no. 1129-13 of 21 Joumada I 1434 (2 April 2013) concerning the maintenance and management register of primary products of plant origin.
- Decree of the Minister of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries n°2442-10 of 7 Ramadan1431 (18 August 2010) on the fight against citrus Tristeza disease.
- Decree of the Minister of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries n°2441-10 of 7 Ramadan 1431 (18 August 2010) on the prevention and control of Fire Blight disease.
- Joint Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries and the Minister of the Interior no. 287-09 of 3 Safar 1430 (30 January 2009) enacting emergency measures for the fight against the red palm weevil (rhynchophorus ferrugineus).
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Maritime Fisheries no. 207-05 of 8 Chaoual 1426 (11 November 2005) concerning phytosanitary requirements for the import of plant material belonging to the genus Vitis (L.).
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Maritime Fisheries no. 2119-98 of 8 chaabane 1419 (27 November 1998) regulating the circulation of plants or parts of plants belonging to the genera Lycopersicon and Capsicum (family of solanaceae) Likely to carry yellow leaf virus in a spoon of tomato (Tomato Yellow Leaf CurI Bigeminivirus).
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture, Equipment and the Environment no. 2730-97 of 28 Joumada II 1418 (31 October 1997) concerning the import and release of exotic biological control agents.
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform no. 824-93 of 13 Hija 1413 (4 June 1993) concerning sanitary conditions for the importation of certain fruit and ornamental species of the "Rosaceae" family.
- Decree of the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform no. 823-93 of 28 chaoual 1413 (20 April 1993) regulating the importation of cuttings or seeds (Fuzz) of sugar cane in Morocco.
- Order No. 468-84 of 19 March 1984 of the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform concerning phytosanitary controls of plants or parts of plants likely to be infested by certain pests and harmful diseases.
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform, in charge of national promotion n°595-69 of 20 September 1969 regulating the circulation of citrus plants.
- Order of the Director General of Agriculture, Trade and Colonization of 1 March 1928 on the importation of cryptogams of economic or health interest.