Fertilizer Materials and Culture Supports
- Law No.53-18 on fertilizer and supports of Culture
Phytopharmaceutical Products
- Law No.34-18 on Phytopharmaceutical Products
- Law No. 42-95 on the Control and Organization of Trade in Pesticides for Agricultural Use, promulgated by dahir No. 1-97-01 of 12 Ramadan 1417 (21 January 1997).
- Decree No. 2-01-416 of 8 Joumada I 1423 (19 July 2002) regulating the marketing and use of liquid nematicides in agriculture.
- Decree No. 2-01-1343 of 28 Joumada II 1422 (17 September 2001) establishing the Commission for Pesticides for Agricultural Use.
- Decree No. 2-99-106 of 18 Moharrem 1420 (05 May 1999) concerning the import, manufacture and marketing of pesticides for agricultural use.
- Decree No. 2-99-105 of 18 Moharrem 1420 (05 May 1999) on the registration of pesticides for agricultural use.
- Arrested of the Minister of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries no. 2290-14 of 27 chaabane 1435 (25 June 2014) laying down the conditions of use of liquefied phosphine for fumigation disinsectisation.
- Arrested of the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Maritime Fisheries no. 794-00 of 03 Rebii I 1421 (06 June 2000) On the organization of a training examination for agricultural technicians to carry out the retail sale of pesticides for agricultural use.
- Arrested of the Minister for Agriculture and Agrarian Reform no. 1809-89 of 13 Joumada I 1410 (13 December 1989) on the sale and use of deltamethrin and piperonyl butoxide for the de-sectisation of cereal seeds.
- Arrested of the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform no. 666-87 of 04 Chaâbane 1407 (03 April 1987) regulating the conditions of use in agriculture, methyl bromide for the disinfection of bare soils, by fumigation.
- Arrested of the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform no. 466-84 of 15 Joumada II 1404 (19 March 1984) regulating organochlorine pesticides.
- Arrested of the Minister for Agriculture and Agrarian Reform no. 777-72 of 21/08/1972 (21 August 1972) Authorizing the use of aluminium phosphide for the disinsectisation of cereal grains intended for seed or food and determining the precautions to be taken by persons using it.