The official catalog aims to protect users by providing them with high-performance varieties adapted to the pedo-climatic conditions of the country. The catalog was established in application of the provisions of the dahir n°1-69-169 of July 25, 1969 regulating the production and marketing of seeds and seedlings, as amended by the dahir laying down law n°1-76-472 of September 19, 1977, and the implementing texts of this dahir:
The decree n°863-75 of September 22, 1977 setting the conditions for the registration of varieties in the official catalogue;
The decree n°864-75 of September 22, 1977 amended and supplemented by Order No. 3538-13 of December 4, 2013 relating to the composition and attributions of the National Committee for the selection of seeds and seedlings;
The catalog includes official lists and provisional lists. Only the varieties appearing on the aforementioned lists may be imported, multiplied and marketed in Morocco.
Official lists (A and B)
– list A: concerns the species and varieties whose seeds or seedlings can be certified and marketed in Morocco or abroad;
– list B: concerns the species and varieties whose seeds or plants can be multiplied in Morocco with a view to exporting their products.
The procedures for filing application files as well as the examination procedures are defined by the procedure for registering varieties in the Moroccan catalog established for this purpose.
All new varieties resulting from national varietal creation programs or introduced from abroad must undergo experimentation prior to registration in the catalogue. This experiment includes:
For the species and varieties which must appear on list A, two types of tests are carried out in parallel:
A test to check the distinctiveness, uniformity and stability of the variety (DUS);
Agronomic and technological value (VAT) trials.
For species and varieties that must appear on list B of the official catalogue, only the DUS test is carried out.
Provisional lists:
They concern species for which the trials prior to registration are not carried out by the official services. The procedure for registration on the provisional lists defines the procedures for filing applications, testing, monitoring and registration of varieties.
List of varieties registered in the official catalog
Species | Action |
oats | Consult |
fodder beet | Consult |
garden beet | Consult |
Sugar beet | Consult |
Durum wheat | Consult |
Soft wheat | Consult |
Safflower | Consult |
Rapeseed | Consult |
Cotton | Consult |
feggous | Consult |
Bean/bean | Consult |
Lettuce | Consult |
Lens | Consult |
Alfalfa | Consult |
Corn | Consult |
Melon | Consult |
Barley | Consult |
Peas | Consult |
Chickpea | Consult |
Potato | Consult |
Rice | Consult |
Rye | Consult |
Soy | Consult |
Tomato | Consult |
Sunflower | Consult |
Triticale | Consult |
Vetch | Consult |
Form 2 for application for registration in the official catalog
SPECIES | Action |
Citrus | download |
Brinjal | download |
Beet | download |
Red beet | download |
Grain | download |
Carrot | download |
Cauliflower and Broccoli | download |
Cauliflower | download |
Cotton | download |
Squash | download |
Zucchini | download |
Forage | download |
Bean | download |
Lettuce | download |
Legumes | download |
Maize | download |
Melon | download |
Onion | download |
Oleaginous | download |
Barley | download |
PASTEQUE | download |
Pepper | download |
Leek | download |
Landfall | download |
Radish | download |
Rice | download |
Tomate | download |
Triticale | download |