Agricultural inputs “seeds, fertilizers and pesticides” are key factors in the production process in agriculture.
It goes without saying that these inputs, if of poor quality, can have negative effects on both the yield and quality of agricultural production and on the health of the consumer.
The Department of Agriculture has also made the quality of these products one of its priorities in the new control approach. It is with this objective in mind that this Department has put in place since the 1997 crop year, a monitoring plan based on reasoned control, The quality of these products is regular and widespread, taking into account the specific characteristics of each type of input from the point of view of production and marketing. This control plan is renewed during each crop year (September to May) and concerns the production, packaging, distribution and import stages.
The actions carried out as part of the quality control plan for agricultural inputs aim at improving the quality of these products through:
– A reasoned control of the quality of these inputs;
– Regular and widespread monitoring of producers, packers, distributors and traders and imports (fertilizers and pesticides).
– Application of the laws and regulations in force.
– The control of agricultural inputs (fertilizers, seeds and pesticides) is a task entrusted to ONSSA. This control aims to:
– Ensure the quality and conformity of I.A. marketed at national level;
– Further improve the efficiency of ONSSA’s AI action;
– Involve operators in the quality control of I.A.
The said control consists of:
– Verification of storage, storage and handling conditions;
– Verification of packaging and sealing;
– Verification of labelling compliance;
– Withdrawal from the market of pesticides not registered in Morocco, falsified or expired;
– Sampling operations for analytical investigations.
This control is governed by the following legislative and regulatory texts:
– Law 25-08 establishing the Office National de Sécurité Sanitaire des Produits Alimentaires according to which this Office exercises the task of controlling agricultural inputs;
– Law no. 42-95 on the control and organization of trade in pesticides for agricultural use;
– Decree of 4 November 1942 (25 Chaoual 1361) regulating trade in fertilizers and soil improvers;
– the Decree of the Director of Agricultural Production of 12 December 1942 on the collection and analysis of fertilizers or soil improvers by fraud prevention officers;
– Decree No. 2-99-105 of 18 Moharrem 1420 (5 May 1999) on the registration of pesticides for agricultural use;
– Decree No. 2-99-106 of 18 Moharrem 1420 (5 May 1999) on the import, manufacture and marketing of pesticides for agricultural use;
– The decree of the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform no. 777-72 of 21 August 1972authorizing the use of aluminium phosphide for the disinsectisation of cereal grains intended for seed or food and determining the precautions to be taken by persons using it;
- The Decree of 9 September 1953 (29 hija 1372) regulating trade in plant protection substances and preparations;
- Decree No. 368-65 of the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform of 15 June 1965 requiring a declaration of the sale and distribution of pesticide products;
- The decree of the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform No. 466-84 of 15 Joumada Il 1404 (19 March 1984) regulating organochlorine pesticides.
- – Protection and conservation of water resources;
- – protection of human health by regulating the use, distribution and sale of water for food;
- – Regulation of activities liable to pollute water resources.
Version B of the Code of Procedure: CP 08/DCPV/15/B on the Control of the Regulatory Compliance of Agricultural Import Inputs