products of animal origin
Milk and dairy products
- Viziriel Arrest of 28 Chaoual 1365 (24 September 1946) concerning the conditions of sale of goat’s milk and goat’s milk cheese.
- Viziriel Arrest of 22 November 1921 (21 Rebia I 1340) on the sale of edible butters, lards, oils and food fats.
- Arrested of the Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Waters and Forests no. 2667-19 of 4 hija 1440 (6 August 2019) establishing the model and content of the traceability register for milk powder and milk preparations maintained by establishments and undertakings manufacturing treated milk and milk products.
- Arrested of the Minister of Agriculture and Agricultural Development no. 699-93 of 25 chaoual 1416 (15 March 1996) on microbiological, physico-chemical and butter storage standards.
Honey and hive products
Meats and meat-based products
- Dahir of 20 Joumada I 1361 (5 June 1942) concerning restrictions on the slaughter of animals for slaughter.
- Dahir of 9 kaada 1359 (December 9, 1940) on the improvement of the meat market.
- Dahir of 30 hija 1342 (2 August 1924) on trade in meat and charcuterie products.
- Decree No. 2-99-89 of 18 Moharrem 1420 (5 May 1999) on the control of charcuterie produits
- Decree no. 2-73-612 of 10 safar 1394 ( 5 March 1974) restricting the slaughter of certain bovine females.
- Arrested Viziriel of 10 Safar 1375 (28 September 1955) on the control of the health of fairground meat.
- Arrested Viziriel of 2 Chaoual 1368 (28 July 1949) regulating the manufacture and health control of preserved meat and animal products.
- Arrested Viziriel of 15 joumada II 1357 (12 August 1938) on the inspection of meat intended for export.
- Arrested of the Minister of Agriculture and Marine Fisheries no. 1491-13 of 22 Joumada II 1434 (3 May 2013) concerning the procedures for ante-mortem and post-mortem examination of animals for slaughter.
- Arrested of the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Water and Forestry no. 1410-01 of 5 joumada I 1422 (26 July 2001) on the conduct to be followed in the matter of bovine cysticercosis.
- Arrested of the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Water and Forestry no. 1409-01 of 5 joumada I 1422 (26 July 2001) laying down the action to be taken in the matter of tuberculosis.
- Arrested of the Director of Agriculture and Forestry of 19 May 1953 determining the conditions required for the preparation, storage and sale of packaged meat, cut into pieces or pieces, whether or not boneless.
- Arrested of the Director of Economic Affairs of 12 August 1938 determining the conditions to be met by meat exported from the French zone of Morocco.