Chemical control of crop diseases and pests remains the main protection method currently used by farmers. The pesticide application equipment (quality, calibration, maintenance) and the techniques used remain predetermined in the effectiveness of treatments and in compliance with good phytosanitary practices.
In addition, the constant progress in the field of application techniques requires a continuous monitoring of new technologies. These techniques are intended to accurately apply the application of agricultural pesticides using appropriate treatment devices. Indeed, spraying has become a highly accurate technique that now calls for control and continuous monitoring of new technologies that meet environmental, ecological and consumer requirements. However, proper application is an effective means and tool to minimize the negative effects of poor pesticide use.
In this respect, the strengthening of know-howThrough a programme of supervision of users of treatment equipment is an essential activity for the improvement of the techniques of application of pesticides for agricultural use by farmers, with the aim of ensuring the effectiveness of these products while preserving the health of applicators and reducing their negative impact on the environment. Users of pesticides for agricultural use often do not have sufficient information on application techniques, particularly in the calibration and adjustment of spreading equipment. The main activities of the framework are therefore to:
- The organisation of basic training sessions on the application techniques of pesticides for agricultural use for the benefit of extension workers, technicians and dealers;
- The organization of practical demonstration days in the field for the benefit of technicians, extension workers, farmers and sons of farmers.
In addition to the above mentioned framework activities, and with a view to improving the techniques for the application of pesticides for agricultural use, the following actions are being carried out:
- Control and calibration of the fighting equipment used during the campaigns of the great struggles;
- Monitoring treatment devices used on certain farms to enable them to meet certification requirements (Global Gap, etc.);
- The carrying out of field adaptation tests of new application techniques developed in the laboratory.
The main objectives expected from the development of application techniques and their extension to users and farmers are:
- Reducing the costs of phytosanitary treatments;
- Improving the effectiveness of treatments;
- Reducing the negative effects of chemical control on the environment;
- Compliance of the application equipment with safety and quality rules and standards.