Pursuant to the provisions of Decree No. 2-03-140 of January 17, 2005 creating the National Codex Alimentarius Committee (CNC), it held its 22nd session on Thursday, March 16, 2017 at ONSSA headquarters. 50 members representing ministerial departments, teaching and research institutes, the profession and consumer protection associations took part in this session.
The work of this session was conducted under the chairmanship of Dr LACHHAB Hamid, Director of Risk Assessment and Legal Affairs, who recalled the interest and importance of the work of the Codex Alimentarius as a body international standardization. He insisted on this subject on the need for the coordination and the mobilization of all the structures (public authorities, profession, research institutes…) to defend the interests of Morocco.
At the end of this meeting, the following recommendations were adopted by the National Codex Alimentarius Committee:
1. Improve cooperation with the CCAFRICA Regional Committee to support Moroccan positions;
2. Organize a meeting with African countries to sensitize them to the problems of interest to Morocco, in particular the problem of Histamine;
3. Examine the possibility of creating a fund to finance CNC activities;
4. Closely monitor the work on antimicrobial resistance, in particular the work of the Special Intergovernmental Task Force recently created by Codex bodies for this purpose;
5. Make the various components of the CNC and in particular the professionals more aware of the work of the Codex Alimentarius;
6. Capitalize the scientific data available at the national level;
7. Generate new data and scientific advice at the national level on which to base decision-making;
8. Prepare a concrete action plan outlining all the recommendations adopted.