Production and Marketing of Seeds and Plants
- Dahir No. 1-69-169 of 10 Joumada I 1389 (25 July 1969) regulating the production and marketing of seeds and plants.
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Waters and Forests no. 986-19 of 21 rejeb 1440 (28 March 2019) approving the technical regulation on production, the control, conditioning and certification of prickly fig plants.
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Waters and Forests no. 2109-17 of 25 kaada 1438 (18 August 2017) approving the technical regulation on production, control, conditioning and certification of plants of red fruit species (strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, mulberry, currant and cassissier).
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Marine Fisheries no. 784-16 of 29 Kaada 1437 (2 September 2016) approving the technical regulation on the production, control, packaging and certification of pomegranate plants.
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries no. 3229-15 of 18 Hija 1436 (2 October 2015) approving the technical regulation on the production, control, packaging and certification of date palm plants.
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Marine Fisheries no. 1679-15 of 6 chaabane 1436 (25 May 2015) approving the technical regulations for the production, control, packaging and certification of perfume rose plants.
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries no. 3403-14 of 12 Hija 1435 (7 October 2014) approving the technical regulation on the production, control, packaging and certification of saffron bulbs (corm seeds).
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Marine Fisheries no. 3548-13 of 27 Safar 1435 (31 December 2013) approving the technical regulation on the production, control, packaging and certification of fig plants.
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Marine Fisheries no. 2940-13 of 17 hija 1434 (23 October 2013) approving the technical regulation on the production and control of standard argan plants.
- Decree of the Minister of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries no. 2197-13 of 2 Ramadan 1434 (11 July 2013) approving the Technical Regulation on the production, control, packaging and certification of seed of straw cereals (wheat, barley, oats, triticale, rye and rice).
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Marine Fisheries no. 2157-11 of 16 chaabane 1432 (18 July 2011) approving the Technical Regulation relating to the production, control, packaging and certification of seedlings of seed rosaceae.
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Marine Fisheries no. 622-11 of 10 rabii II 1432 (15 March 2011) approving the technical regulation on the production, control, packaging and certification of potato plants.
- Decree of the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Maritime Fisheries no. 2110-05 of 21 Ramadan 1426 (25 October 2005) approving the technical regulation on the production, control and certification of olive trees.
- Decree of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development no. 2100-03 of 8 chaoual 1424 (3 December 2003) approving the technical regulation on the production, control and certification of vine plants.
- Arrest of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development No.2099-03 of 8 chaoual 1424 (3 December 2003) approving the thechnical regulations relating to the production, control, packaging and certification of seeds and seedlings of stone rosacea (albricot, almond,cherry,fish and nectarine,plum and their rootstock)
- Arrest of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development no. 2098-03 of 8 chaoual 1424 (3 December 2003) approving the technical regulation on the production, control, packaging and certification of citrus seeds and plants.
- Decree of the Minister for Agriculture, Rural Development and Water and Forestry No. 2185-01 of 9 chaoual 1422 (25 December 2001) approving the technical regulation on the field production and control of sugar cane cuttings.
- Decree of the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform no. 966-93 of 28 chaoual 1413 (20 April 1993) laying down the conditions for importing and marketing seeds to be grown in Morocco.
- Arrested of the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform no. 655-90 of 26 chaoual 1410 (21 May 1990) approving the technical regulation on the production, control, packaging and certification of hybrid sunflower seed.
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform no. 971-75 of 8 chaoual 1397 (22 September 1977) approving the technical regulation on the control of standard vegetable seeds.
- Decree of the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform no. 864-75 of 8 chaoual 1397 (22 September 1977) on the composition and powers of the National Committee for the Selection of Seeds and Plants.
- Decree of the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform no. 863-75 of 8 chaoual 1397 (22 September 1977) laying down the conditions for maintaining the official catalogue of cultivable plant species and varieties in Morocco, and the methods of experimentation prior to the inscription of new varieties on the said catalogue.
- Arrested of the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform no. 862-75 of 8 chaoual 1397 (22 September 1977) approving the technical regulation on production, the control, packaging and certification of food legume seeds (beans, beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas and beans).
- Decree of the Minister for Agriculture and Agrarian Reform no. 861-75 of 8 chaoual 1397 (22 September 1977) approving the technical regulation on the production, control, packaging and certification of cotton seed.
- Decree of the Minister for Agriculture and Agrarian Reform no. 859-75 of 8 chaoual 1397 (22 September 1977) approving the technical regulation on the production, control, packaging and certification of maize seed.
- Decree of the Minister for Agriculture and Agrarian Reform no. 858-75 of 8 chaoual 1397 (22 September 1977) approving the technical regulation on the production, control, packaging and certification of sunflower seed, safflower, rapeseed, flax, soybeans and groundnuts.
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform no. 857-75 of 8 chaoual 1397 (22 September 1977) approving the Technical Regulation on the production, control, packaging and certification of seed of fodder legumes (alfalfa, bersim, Persian clover, peas, vetch and lupins).
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform No. 431-77 of 8 chaoual 1397 (22 September 1977) approving the technical regulation on production, the control, packaging and certification of industrial and forage beet seed.