The export of Plant Products and Products of Plant Origin is subject to the laws and regulations in force in particular:
- Law 25-08 establishing the National Food Safety Office;
- The law n°28-07 on the health security of food products, promulgated by dahir n°1 10-08 of 26 safar 1431 (11 February 2010) and its implementing texts;
- Health and compliance regulations of the countries of destination of exported plant and plant products;
Submission by the exporter of the dossier for the application for health certification to the Plant Products and Plant Origin Control Service (SCPVOV/SCPV) under this Office. This file consists of the following:
- Application for health certification by the exporter;
- A presentation sheet of the product to be exported;
- The packing list;
- The preformed or final invoice;
- Analysis bulletins issued by ONSSA laboratories and ONSSA-approved laboratories for the lot or lots subject to export;
- Specimens of sales unit labels;
- A copy of the establishment’s health approval or authorization;
- A copy of the specific requirements of the destination country;
- Any other documents required by the relevant CPVO/SCPV in accordance with the applicable regulations.
This is a systematic step in verifying the content and form of export records or accompanying documents for goods.
It is a systematic step which consists in verifying the concordance between the elements identifying the product and the accompanying documents;
This is a systematic step that consists in verifying the compliance of the conditions of the means of transport, packaging, labelling and any other control necessary to verify compliance with the legislation and regulations in force in the country of destination;
Representative samples of exported plant and plant products are collected for laboratory analysis.