Region of Guelmim – Ouad Noun, Laayoune – Sakia Hamra and Dakhla Oued Dahhab: An Awareness day about animal-mediated rabies – Dakhla

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  • Region of Guelmim – Ouad Noun, Laayoune – Sakia Hamra and Dakhla Oued Dahhab: An Awareness day about animal-mediated rabies – Dakhla

ONSSA’s Regional Directorate of Guelmim – Ouad Noun, Laayoune – Sakia Hamra and Dakhla Oued Dahhab organized a rabies awareness day on October 23, 2023, in Bir Gandouz, Province of Aoussard, Dakhla – Oued Dahab Region, for local primary school classes.

The event provided an opportunity for the children to interact with ONSSA representatives and learn more about the disease, its transmission methods and the preventive measures to adopt in the event of an animal bite.