Protection of plant heritage

The national plant heritage is constantly changing due to the introduction of new crops and the development of certain crops in favourable agro-climatic and economic contexts. This increases the risk of introduction and spread of plant pests and plant products. Thus, the health of plants is subject to the hazards caused by the attacks of harmful organisms, which often results in:

– the resurgence of pests hitherto considered secondary;

– the alarming development of known organisms which may take the form of plagues or epidemics;

– the emergence of new pests, especially quarantine pests.

Given the microscopic and morphological nature of the pests, their development can go unnoticed and escape the vigilance of farmers and producers, resulting in considerable losses in quantity and quality of the harvested products. Viruses, mycoplasmas, bacteria, fungi, insects, mites, weeds, invasive plants… are all organisms that can be harmful throughout the vegetative stage of the plant (seed, leaves, stems, roots, fruits, seeds…).

Plant health protection of plant heritage is an essential activity to safeguard the health of plants and plant products and to maintain losses caused by harmful organisms at economically acceptable levels. To do this, actions and measures implemented must be taken to achieve the intended objectives, in particular through crop health surveillance, pest control (including invasive alien plants), plant health of plants and plant products at the borders and within the territory in order to avoid the introduction and spread of pests of crops. These actions are carried out by the plant protection services in consultation with the ministerial departments, the trade associations, producers, importers and exporters of plants and plant products while maintaining existing regulatory requirements and international agreements.