The health control of milk and milk products and the monitoring of hygienic conditions for the preparation, processing and storage of such products shall be ensured in: – Processing establishments (cheese factories, dairies, etc.); – milk collection centres; – The points of sale. To be approved or authorised in terms of health, establishments must comply with the requirements of general and specific laws and regulations, in particular: – Law n°28-07 on the health safety of food products and the texts adopted for its application; –  Decree n°2-00-425 of 7 December 2000 on the control of the production and marketing of milk and milk products. – Each unit approved by the Office National de Sécurité Sanitaire des Produits Alimentaires (ONSSA) must have a system of self-monitoring and traceability adapted to the activities for which the unit in question has been approved. Actions carried out by veterinary services: The veterinary services (SV) of the National Food Safety Office provide: – Control of milk and milk products at the level of production units and points of sale. – The examination of dossiers and the health assessment of establishments with a view to the granting of health authorizations. – Health monitoring of units according to a predetermined programme. – Evaluation of the self monitoring system and verification of its implementation at unit level – Coaching for unit upgrades. – Taking samples of products for analysis to ensure their safety. – Monitoring the conditions under which the products are transported. Currently, around 100 dairy processing units operating at national level are approved by ONSSA.
– List of establishments
– For approval/authorization procedures, consult the window: approval/ authorization