Bovine Tuberculosis

  1. Regulatory framework and importance of disease
In Morocco, bovine tuberculosis is a disease considered legally contagious under the Dahir Law n°1-75-292 of 19 September 1977. It is therefore a reportable disease and requires the application of veterinary animal health measures issued by the decree of the Minister of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries n°837-13 of 08 March 2013. In view of its zoonotic character, but also of the economic losses resulting from the seizures of meat and offal at slaughterhouses and of the reductions in production observed on the farms where it is found, The establishment of a tuberculosis prophylaxis programme is essential. Testing for bovine tuberculosis is done through tuberculin. This is done by public veterinarians or by private veterinarians with a health warrant.
  1. Historic
The incidence of bovine tuberculosis has changed markedly since the introduction of dairy cattle imports in 1960 and the intensification of imports in 1975 under the national dairy plan which envisaged the development of the dairy cattle sector. The fight against this disease has been going on for decades, based on the detection of dairy cattle. Animal health measures (including the slaughter of reactive cattle) shall be applied in accordance with the regulations in force.
  1. Health situation at national level
Bovine tuberculosis occurs in Morocco in the enzootic state in cattle farms. Indeed, this disease is regularly observed in national slaughterhouses (with an average prevalence of 1.7% recorded during the period 2000-2010) during veterinary inspections carried out by veterinary inspectors of ONSSA, and seizures of offal and organs. In addition, in livestock, this disease is widespread in all areas of cattle farming in the country with varying prevalences depending on the mode of management of the herds and the size of the livestock. Indeed, the epidemiological survey carried out in 2003/04 showed that the prevalence of this disease increases in proportion to the size of the farms. However, small farms (less than or equal to 5 heads) are the most common.