Prophylaxis contractual

Contractual prophylaxis is the execution, by private veterinarians equipped with the health mandate, on behalf of the State, of programs of prophylaxis of legally contagious diseases in areas previously delimited «zones of prophylaxis» They are paid a fee by the state.

The purpose of granting a prophylaxis zone to veterinary health officers with a health warrant (VSM) is, among other things, to:

  • Allow the VSM to be in direct contact with the breeders and therefore to establish the bases of appropriate relations with those they supervise;
  • Contribute to the effective fight against contagious diseases carried out by the State, notably through the vaccination of livestock in accordance with the agreed programme;
  • Ensure the health surveillance of livestock in the areas of prophylaxis granted to them;
  • To ensure a balanced territorial grid through the fixing of the VSM in the areas where they are installed.
  • Law No. 21-80 on the private practice of veterinary medicine, surgery and pharmacy promulgated by dahir No. 1-80-340 of 25 December 1980 as amended and supplemented;
  • Decree No. 2-82-541 of 15 March 1983 made for the application of Law No. 21-80 on the private practice of veterinary medicine, surgery and pharmacy;
  • Decree no. 2-07-1332 of 5 rabii II 1431 (2 2 March 20 10) making the code of professional duties of veterinarians applicable;
  • Joint Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries and the Minister of Finance no. 4486-14 of 19 Safar 1436 (12 December 2014) fixing the amount of the fees paid by the State to private sector veterinarians with a health mandate and the procedures for allocating them;
  • Procedures for the management of contractual prophylaxis.
  1. filing of the application : 
The application for a prophylaxis area (according to the required model) must be filed with the relevant provincial veterinary service under ONSSA, along with the following documents:
  • Copy of the order granting the health warrant;
  • Certificate of domiciliation dated less than one year issued by the relevant Regional Council of the National Order of Veterinarians.
  1. Transmission of the area application file to central services and decision-making:
After examination at the provincial veterinary service level and an opinion, the file relating to the application for a prophylaxis zone is forwarded to the regional management of the ONSSA together with an investigation report on the veterinary office concerned. After examination, the decision to allocate the prophylaxis zone to the person concerned will be drawn up.
  1. List of vacant prophylaxis areas:
See list of vacant areas for 2022 : (up-to-date list)